■debian busterでgnuplotをASCII出力で使ってみる。
$ lsb_release -d
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
debian busterにsysstatを導入する。
$ apt-file search bin/gnuplot
gnuplot-nox: /usr/bin/gnuplot-nox
gnuplot-qt: /usr/bin/gnuplot-qt
gnuplot-x11: /usr/bin/gnuplot-x11
$ apt-cache show gnuplot | ./myscripts/lsec Description-en:
Description-en: Command-line driven interactive plotting program.
Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven interactive data and function
plotting utility that supports lots of output formats, including drivers
for many printers, (La)TeX, (x)fig, Postscript, and so on. The X11-output
is packaged in gnuplot-x11.
Data files and self-defined functions can be manipulated by the internal
C-like language. Can perform smoothing, spline-fitting, or nonlinear fits,
and can work with complex numbers.
This metapackage is to install a full-featured gnuplot (-qt, -x11 or -nox).
$ apt-cache search ^gnuplot
gnuplot-data - コマンドライン駆動の対話的な作図プログラム (データファイル)
gnuplot-doc - コマンドライン駆動の対話的作図プログラム - ドキュメンテーションパッケージ
gnuplot - Command-line driven interactive plotting program.
gnuplot-nox - Command-line driven interactive plotting program. No-X package
gnuplot-qt - Command-line driven interactive plotting program. QT-package
gnuplot-x11 - Command-line driven interactive plotting program. X-package
elpa-gnuplot-mode - Gnuplot mode for Emacs
gnuplot-mode - Transition Package, gnuplot-mode to elpa-gnuplot-mode
libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl - gnuplot-based plotting backend for PDL
python-gnuplotlib - Gnuplot-based plotter for numpy
python3-gnuplotlib - Gnuplot-based plotter for numpy
$ sudo apt-get install -y gnuplot gnuplot-doc
$ dpkg -L gnuplot-doc | awk '/pdf/{print "cp "$1" ."}'
cp /usr/share/doc/gnuplot/gnuplot.pdf .
cp /usr/share/doc/gnuplot/tutorial.pdf .
$ dpkg -L gnuplot-doc | awk '/pdf/{print "cp "$1" ."}' | sh
$ mytitle="CPU idle";env LANG=C sar -u -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search=idle '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/&& $2 ~ /all/){print $1","$target}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
CPU idle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| * * * * * ** ** ** * *** ****** |
| *** * * * *** **|
80 |-+ * +-|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="CPU 100-(idle)";env LANG=C sar -u -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search=idle '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/&& $2 ~ /all/){print $1","100-$target}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
CPU 100-(idle)
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
| |
| |
80 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |-+ * +-|
| *** * * * *** **|
| * * * * * ** ** ** * *** ****** |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="memused";env LANG=C sar -r -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search=memused '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){print $1","$target}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset dat; \
unset mytitleafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
| |
| |
80 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |********************************************************************|
| |
| |
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="100-(memused)";env LANG=C sar -r -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search=memused '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){print $1","100-$target}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
| |
| |
80 |********************************************************************|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="swpused";env LANG=C sar -S -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search="^.swpused" '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){print $1","$target}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
| |
| |
80 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="tps";env LANG=C sar -b -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search="^tps" '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){OFS=",";print $1,$target,$(target+1),$(target+2)}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + * + + + + + + |
| * |
| * * |
80 |-+ ** * * +-|
| ** * ** * |
| ** * ** * * |
60 |-+ ** * * ** * * * +-|
| ** * * ** * * * |
| * * * * ** * * * |
| * * * ** ** * * * |
40 |-+ * * * ** **** * * +-|
| * * * ** * *** * * |
| * * * *** * *** *** * |
20 |-+ * * * *** * *** *** * * *-|
| * *** **** * *** *** ****** **|
| * *** **** * *** * * * * * *|
| + + + + * *+* **** + + ** ** ** *+ + * |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="rtps";env LANG=C sar -b -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search="^tps" '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){OFS=",";print $1,$(target+1)}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + * + + + + + + |
| * |
| * * |
80 |-+ * * * +-|
| ** * ** * |
| ** * ** * * |
60 |-+ ** * * ** * * +-|
| ** * * ** * * * |
| * * * * ** * * * |
| * * * ** ** * * * |
40 |-+ * * * ** **** * * +-|
| * * * ** * *** * * |
| * * * *** * *** ** * |
20 |-+ * * * *** * *** *** * * +-|
| * * * **** * *** *** * ** |
| * * * **** * *** *** ** *** * |
| + + + + * *+* **** + + ** ** ** *+ + ***|
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00
$ mytitle="wtps";env LANG=C sar -b -f /var/log/sysstat/sa$(date '+%d' --date "yesterday") | \
awk -v search="^tps" '(NR==5){for(a=2;a<=NF;a++){if($a ~ search){target=a}}} \
(NR>5&&$1 !~ /Average/){OFS=",";print $1,$(target+2)}' | \
gnuplot -e '
set datafile separator ",";
set title "'"${mytitle}"'";
set xdata time;
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S";
set format x "%H:%M";
set yrange [0:100];
set xrange ["00:00":"23:59"];
set terminal dumb ;
plot "'"-"'" u 1:2 w l title "";
unset datafile separator;unset xdata;unset timefmt;unset format x;unset yrange ;unset xrange; unset terminal;unset title'; \
unset mytitle
100 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
| + + + + + + + + + + + |
| |
| |
80 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
60 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
| |
40 |-+ +-|
| |
| |
20 |-+ +-|
| * |
| * * **|
| + + + + *+* + + + + * ********* |
0 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
00:00 02:00 04:0006:00 08:00 10:00 12:0014:00 16:00 18:00 20:0022:00 00:00