labunix's blog


debian WheezyでAmanda仮想テープバックアップを試す(バックアップ&リストア)

■debian WheezyにAmandaテープバックアップを導入(バックアップ&リストア)



 amanda 仮想テープバックアップ【backup宛のメール】



$ apt-cache search ^amanda*
amanda-client - 先進的な Maryland 自動ネットワークディスクアーカイバ (クライアント)
amanda-common - Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (ライブラリ)
amanda-server - Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (サーバ)

$ sudo apt-get install -y ^amanda-*
$ echo "xinetd gawk gnuplot readline-common" | sudo apt-get install -y `xargs`


$ grep -v "^\#\|^\$" /etc/inetd.conf
amanda stream tcp nowait backup /usr/lib/amanda/amandad amandad -auth=bsdtcp amdump amindexd amidxtaped

$ man amanda.conf 2>/dev/null | grep "auth \"[bsd\|tcp]"
           auth "bsd"
           auth "bsdtcp"

$ grep "disable\|default" /etc/xinetd.d/amanda 
# default: on
        disable         = no

$ ps aux | grep xinetd | cut -c 76-
xinetd -pidfile /var/run/ -stayalive -inetd_compat -inetd_ipv6


$ sudo grep xinetd /var/log/syslog | grep -i "unknown\|error"
Sep 18 22:26:26 amanda xinetd[5436]: Unknown user: amandabackup [file=/etc/xinetd.d/amanda] [line=13]
Sep 18 22:26:26 amanda xinetd[5436]: Error parsing attribute user - DISABLING SERVICE [file=/etc/xinetd.d/amanda] [line=13]

$ grep backup /etc/passwd

$ grep backup /etc/xinetd.d/amanda 
        user            = amandabackup


$ sudo sed -i s/"amanda\(backup\)"/"\1"/ /etc/xinetd.d/amanda 
s$ grep "user\|group" /etc/xinetd.d/amanda
        user            = backup
        group           = disk
        groups          = yes

$ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
[ ok ] Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
[ ok ] Starting internet superserver: xinetd.


$ lv -s /usr/share/doc/amanda-server/README.Debian.gz | grep -A 1 "^[0-9]\. " | grep -v "^\-"
1. Create a directory under /etc/amanda for your backup config, we’ll assume
   a name 'DailySet1' as our example.
2. populate this directory with config files.  At a minimum, you need 
   amanda.conf and disklist.
3. Make sure that /etc/amanda and all the files under it are owner and group
   backup with directory permissions of 770 and file permissions of 660.
3. Prepare the "holding disk" if you plan to use one (highly recommended!) by 
   ensuring user backup can access it.  See the note below indicating that it
4. Install a suitable crontab for user backup.  If you used DailySet1 as your
   configuration name, you can just install the provided example.  If you


$ sudo test -d /etc/amanda/DailySet1 || sudo mkdir -p /etc/amanda/DailySet1
$ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/amanda-server/examples/{amanda.conf.gz,disklist,} /etc/amanda/DailySet1 && \
  sudo gunzip /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf.gz
$ sudo chown -R backup:disk /etc/amanda

$ sudo crontab -u backup /usr/share/doc/amanda-server/examples/crontab.amanda && \
   sudo -u backup crontab -l | grep -v ^#
0 16 * * 1-5	/usr/sbin/amcheck -m DailySet1
45 0 * * 2-6	/usr/sbin/amdump DailySet1

$ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart && \
  sudo grep "$(env LANG=C date '+%H\:%M\:%S')" /var/log/syslog | grep xinetd
[ ok ] Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
[ ok ] Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9746]: Exiting...
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/amanda [file=/etc/xinetd.conf] [line=14]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen [file=/etc/xinetd.d/chargen] [line=18]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime [file=/etc/xinetd.d/daytime] [line=28]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/discard [file=/etc/xinetd.d/discard] [line=26]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo [file=/etc/xinetd.d/echo] [line=25]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/time [file=/etc/xinetd.d/time] [line=26]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing duplicate service amanda [file=/etc/inetd.conf] [line=38]
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing chargen
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing chargen
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing daytime
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing daytime
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing discard
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing discard
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing echo
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing echo
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing time
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: removing time
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: xinetd Version 2.3.14 started with libwrap loadavg options compiled in.
Sep 18 23:06:45 amanda xinetd[9811]: Started working: 1 available service


$ sudo amcheck DailySet1
"/etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist", line 50: undefined network interface 'LE0'

$ sudo sed -i s/"^[A-z0-9\t {}]"/"#&"/g /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist


$ sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
NOTE: tapelist will be created on the next run.
ERROR: holding dir /dumps/amanda (No such file or directory), you must create a directory.
slot 0: Can't open tape device /dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE: No such file or directory
Can't open tape device /dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE: No such file or directory

Insert a new volume in tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE
and press <enter> enter, or ^D to abort.
ERROR: Aborted by user
NOTE: conf info dir /etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo does not exist
NOTE: it will be created on the next run.
Server check took 4.059 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.000 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)


$ sudo grep "DailySet1\|dumps\|YOUR" /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf | grep -v "^#"
org 	 "DailySet1"	# your organization name for reports
dumpuser "backup"	# the user to run dumps under
tapedev "tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE"	# tape changer or device to use
maxdumpsize -1		# Maximum number of bytes the planner will schedule
labelstr "^DailySet1-[0-9][0-9]*$"	# label constraint regex: all tapes must match
    directory "/dumps/amanda"	# where the holding disk is
infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo"	# database DIRECTORY
logdir   "/etc/amanda/DailySet1"		# log directory
indexdir "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/index"		# index directory
    #property "STAR-TARDUMP" "/path/to/tardumps"  # default /etc/tardumps


$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/amanda/DailySet1/{curinfo,index};sudo mkdir -p /dumps/amanda;sudo chown -R backup:disk /etc/amanda /dumps

$ sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
NOTE: tapelist will be created on the next run.
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 17666048 KB disk space available, using 17563648 KB
slot 0: Can't open tape device /dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE: No such file or directory
Can't open tape device /dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE: No such file or directory

Insert a new volume in tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE
and press <enter> enter, or ^D to abort.
ERROR: Aborted by user
Server check took 18.389 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.000 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)


$ sudo grep "^## tapedev" /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf
## tapedev "chg-disk:/var/amanda/vtapes"

$ sudo -u backup touch /etc/amanda/DailySet1/tapelist; \
  sudo mkdir -p /var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots && \
  sudo chown -R backup:disk /var/amanda

$ sudo -u backup sed -i s%"\(tapedev .\)tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE"%"\1file:/var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots"% \

■「slot 0」が無いとのエラー。

$ sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 17666048 KB disk space available, using 17563648 KB
slot 0: Error checking directory /var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots/data/: No such file or directory
Error checking directory /var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots/data/: No such file or directory

Insert a new volume in file:/var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots
and press <enter> enter, or ^D to abort.
ERROR: Aborted by user
Server check took 27.570 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.000 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)

■「slot 0」の作成

$ sudo grep tapecycle /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf --color
tapecycle 25 tapes	# the number of tapes in rotation

$ cd /var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots && \
  for n in `seq 1 25`;do udo -u backup kdir slot$n;done && \
  sudo -u backup ln -s slot01 data


$ sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 17666048 KB disk space available, using 17563648 KB
slot 0: contains an empty volume
File 0 not found

Insert a new volume in file:/var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots
and press <enter> enter, or ^D to abort.
ERROR: Aborted by user
Server check took 15.750 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.000 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)


$ sudo grep tpchanger /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf
#   tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/sg0"  # your changer device file

$ sudo sed -i s%"^#.*tpchanger.*"%"&\n"'tpchanger "chg-disk"'% /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amanda.conf

$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 show
amtape: scanning all 25 slots in changer:
slot  24: unlabeled volume
slot  25: unlabeled volume
slot   1: unlabeled volume
slot   2: unlabeled volume
slot   3: unlabeled volume
slot   4: unlabeled volume
slot   5: unlabeled volume
slot   6: unlabeled volume
slot   7: unlabeled volume
slot   8: unlabeled volume
slot   9: unlabeled volume
slot  10: unlabeled volume
slot  11: unlabeled volume
slot  12: unlabeled volume
slot  13: unlabeled volume
slot  14: unlabeled volume
slot  15: unlabeled volume
slot  16: unlabeled volume
slot  17: unlabeled volume
slot  18: unlabeled volume
slot  19: unlabeled volume
slot  20: unlabeled volume
slot  21: unlabeled volume
slot  22: unlabeled volume
slot  23: unlabeled volume


$ cd /var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots && \
  for n in `seq 1 25`; do sudo -u backup amlabel DailySet1 DailySet1-$n slot $n; done

$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 reset
changer is reset

$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 current
slot   1: time X              label DailySet1-1
changed to slot 125本の仮想テープがチェンジャーに認識されている

$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 show
amtape: scanning all 25 slots in changer:
slot   1: date X              label DailySet1-1
slot   2: date X              label DailySet1-2
slot   3: date X              label DailySet1-3
slot   4: date X              label DailySet1-4
slot   5: date X              label DailySet1-5
slot   6: date X              label DailySet1-6
slot   7: date X              label DailySet1-7
slot   8: date X              label DailySet1-8
slot   9: date X              label DailySet1-9
slot  10: date X              label DailySet1-10
slot  11: date X              label DailySet1-11
slot  12: date X              label DailySet1-12
slot  13: date X              label DailySet1-13
slot  14: date X              label DailySet1-14
slot  15: date X              label DailySet1-15
slot  16: date X              label DailySet1-16
slot  17: date X              label DailySet1-17
slot  18: date X              label DailySet1-18
slot  19: date X              label DailySet1-19
slot  20: date X              label DailySet1-20
slot  21: date X              label DailySet1-21
slot  22: date X              label DailySet1-22
slot  23: date X              label DailySet1-23
slot  24: date X              label DailySet1-24
slot  25: date X              label DailySet1-25


$ sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 17666048 KB disk space available, using 17563648 KB
found in slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
Will write to volume 'DailySet1-25' in slot 25.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.776 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 0 hosts checked in 0.000 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)


$ ls -l /var/spool/mail | cut -c 40-;ls -l /var/spool/mail/../mail | awk '(NF>4){print $5,$NF}'
 /var/spool/mail -> ../mail
1984 backup
2322 labunix

$ hostname -f

$ echo "`hostname -f`"' /var/mail comp-user-tar' | sudo tee -a /etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist >/dev/null


$ sudo -u backup mkdir -p  /etc/amanda/DailySet1/{curinfo,index}/amanda.tape.local/_var_mail
$ sudo -u backup touch /etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo/amanda.tape.local/_var_mail/info
$ sudo chmod -R 750 /dumps/ /etc/amanda /var/amanda/ && \
  sudo chown -R backup:disk /dumps/ /etc/amanda /var/amanda/

$ sudo sudo -u backup amcheck DailySet1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps/amanda: 17661952 KB disk space available, using 17559552 KB
found in slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
Will write to volume 'DailySet1-25' in slot 25.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
Server check took 0.709 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
Client check: 1 host checked in 2.037 seconds.  0 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 3.3.1)


$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 taper
 found in slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
slot 25: volume 'DailySet1-25'
Will write to volume 'DailySet1-25' in slot 25.

$ sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 reset
  sudo -u backup amtape DailySet1 taper
 found in slot 1: volume 'DailySet1-1'
slot 1: volume 'DailySet1-1'
Will write to volume 'DailySet1-1' in slot 1.


$ sudo -u backup amstatus DailySet1
Using /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amdump.1
From 木  919 00:45:01 JST 2013

SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
                           size       size
partition       :   0
estimated       :   0                    0k
flush           :   0         0k
failed          :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped          :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait for writing:   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait to flush   :   0         0k         0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
all dumpers active
taper status: Searching for a new tape


$ sudo -u backup amdump DailySet1
$ sudo -u backup amstatus DailySet1
Using /etc/amanda/DailySet1/amdump.1
From 木  919 01:31:21 JST 2013

amanda.tape.local:/var/mail 0         2k finished (1:31:27)

SUMMARY          part      real  estimated
                           size       size
partition       :   1
estimated       :   1                   32k
flush           :   0         0k
failed          :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
wait for dumping:   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping to tape :   0                    0k           (  0.00%)
dumping         :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
dumped          :   1         2k        32k (  6.25%) (  6.25%)
wait for writing:   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
wait to flush   :   0         0k         0k (100.00%) (  0.00%)
writing to tape :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
failed to tape  :   0         0k         0k (  0.00%) (  0.00%)
taped           :   1         2k        32k (  6.25%) (  6.25%)
  tape 1        :   1         2k        32k (  0.00%) DailySet1-1 (2 chunks)
4 dumpers idle  : no-dumpers
taper status: Idle
taper qlen: 0
network free kps:      8000
holding space   :  17559552k (100.00%)
chunker0 busy   :  0:00:05  ( 81.64%)
 dumper0 busy   :  0:00:05  ( 81.45%)
   taper busy   :  0:00:00  (  0.31%)
 0 dumpers busy :  0:00:01  ( 18.48%)            not-idle:  0:00:01  ( 98.08%)
 1 dumper busy  :  0:00:05  ( 81.50%)          no-dumpers:  0:00:05  (100.00%)


$ sudo -u backup amadmin DailySet1 find
date                host              disk      lv tape or file file part status
2013-09-19 01:31:21 amanda.tape.local /var/mail  0 DailySet1-1     1  1/1 OK 


$ sudo -u backup mkdir -p /tmp/amanda/restore

$ sudo -u backup cp /usr/share/doc/amanda-client/examples/amanda-client.conf  /etc/amanda/ && \
  sudo -u backup sed -i s/"localhost"/"`hostname -f`"/g /etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf 

$ sudo -u backup grep YOUR /etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf 
tapedev      "tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE"	# your tape device

$ sudo -u backup sed -i s%"\(tapedev .\)tape:/dev/YOUR-TAPE-DEVICE-HERE"%"\1file:/var/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/slots"% \


$ sudo amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 3.3.1. Contacting server on amanda.tape.local ...
NAK: user root from amanda.tape.local is not allowed to execute the service amindexd: 
Please add the line "amanda.tape.local root amindexd amidxtaped" to /var/backups/.amandahosts on the server

$ echo "amanda.tape.local root amindexd amidxtaped" | sudo -u backup tee -a /var/backups/.amandahosts
$ sudo amrecover
AMRECOVER Version 3.3.1. Contacting server on amanda.tape.local ...
220 amanda AMANDA index server (3.3.1) ready.
Setting restore date to today (2013-09-19)
200 Working date set to 2013-09-19.
200 Config set to DailySet1.
501 Host amanda is not in your disklist.
Trying host amanda.tape.local ...
200 Dump host set to amanda.tape.local.
Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover
amrecover> listdisk
200- List of disk for host amanda.tape.local
201- /var/mail
200 List of disk for host amanda.tape.local
amrecover> setdisk /var/mail
200 Disk set to /var/mail.
amrecover> ls
2013-09-19-01-31-21 labunix
2013-09-19-01-31-21 backup
2013-09-19-01-31-21 .
amrecover> lcd /tmp/amanda/restore
amrecover> pwd
amrecover> lpwd
amrecover> setdevice DailySet1-1
Using tape "DailySet1-1".
Tape server unspecified, assumed to be amanda.tape.local.
amrecover> add *
Added file /labunix
Added file /backup
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive DailySet1-1 on host amanda.tape.local.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet1-1

Extracting files using tape drive DailySet1-1 on host amanda.tape.local.
Load tape DailySet1-1 now
Continue [?/Y/n/s/d]? Y
Restoring files into directory /tmp/amanda/restore
All existing files in /tmp/amanda/restore can be deleted
Continue [?/Y/n]? Y

amrecover> quit
200 Good bye.


 ls -l /tmp/amanda/restore/ /var/mail/
合計 8
-rw-rw---- 1 backup  mail 1984  919 00:45 backup
-rw-rw---- 1 labunix mail 2322  918 22:22 labunix

合計 8
-rw-rw---- 1 backup  mail 4326  919 01:31 backup
-rw-rw---- 1 labunix mail    0  919 01:32 labunix