labunix's blog




$ sudo apt-get install -y heartbeat pacemaker
$ lv -s /usr/share/doc/heartbeat/ | \
  sudo tee /etc/ha.d/ >/dev/null


$ grep -v "^#\|^\$" /etc/ha.d/  
logfacility	local0
auto_failback on


$ apropos authkeys
authkeys (5)         - Authentication file for the Heartbeat cluster messagin...


$ man authkeys | grep -A 4 format
       The file must follow the following format:

           auth num
           num method secret
           num method secret


$ man authkeys | grep -A 1 "num is"
       num is a numerical identifier, between 1 and 15 inclusive. It must be
       unique within the file.


$ man authkeys | grep "auth num select"
       auth num selects the currently active authentication method and secret.



  CRC の数学的特性上、CRC値が変化しないように元のデータを改ざんすることが容易

$ man authkeys | grep -A 12 SIGNATURE
       The following signature methods are supported in authkeys (listed here
       in alphabetical order):

           MD5 hash method. This method requires a shared secret.

           SHA-1 hash method. This method requires a shared secret.

           Cyclic Redundancy Check hash method. This method does not require a
           shared secret and is insecure; it’s use is strongly discouraged.


$ echo -e "auth 1\n1 md5 helloworld\n2 sha1 heartbeat\n3 crc" | \
  sudo tee /etc/ha.d/authkeys
auth 1
1 md5 helloworld
2 sha1 heartbeat
3 crc


$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/ha.d/authkeys

heartbeat[7193]: 2013/07/20_22:55:27 ERROR: Bad permissions on keyfile [/etc/ha.d//authkeys], 600 recommended.
heartbeat[7193]: 2013/07/20_22:55:27 ERROR: Authentication configuration error.
heartbeat[7193]: 2013/07/20_22:55:27 ERROR: Configuration error, heartbeat not started.


$ grep -B 2 "#logfile" /etc/ha.d/ 
# 	File to write other messages to
logfile	/var/log/ha-log

$ sudo sed -i s/"#logfile"/"logfile"/ /etc/ha.d/ 


$ grep -B 2 "#keepalive" /etc/ha.d/ 
#	keepalive: how long between heartbeats?
#keepalive 2

$ sudo sed -i s/"#keepalive"/"keepalive"/ /etc/ha.d/


$ man | grep -A 14 "udpport\$" 
           The udpport directive specifies which port Heartbeat will use for
           its UDP intra-cluster communication. There are two common reasons
           for overriding this value: there are multiple bcast clusters on the
           same subnet, or this port is already in use in accordance with some
           locally-established policy.

           The default value for this parameter is the the port ha-cluster in
           /etc/services (if present), or 694 if port ha-cluster is not in
           /etc/services. 694 is the IANA registered port number for Heartbeat
           (a.k.a. ha-cluster).

           A sample udpport directive is shown below.

               udpport 694

$ URL=""; \
  FILE="service-names-port-numbers.txt"; \
  w3m -dump "${URL}/${FILE}" | grep " 694 " | sed s/"  *"/","/g

$ grep 694 /etc/services | wc -l

$ grep "#udpport" /etc/ha.d/ 
#udpport	694
$ sudo sed -i s/"#udpport"/"udpport"/ /etc/ha.d/ 


$ man | grep -A 8 "The bcast " 
           The bcast directive is used to configure which interfaces Heartbeat
           sends UDP broadcast traffic on. More than one interface can be
           specified on the line. The udpport directive is used to configure
           which port is used for these broadcast communications if the
           udpport directive is specified before the bcast directive,
           otherwise the default port will be used. A couple of sample bcast
           lines are shown below.

               bcast eth0 eth1  # on Linux systems

$ grep "#bcast" /etc/ha.d/ 
#bcast	eth0		# Linux
#bcast	eth1 eth2	# Linux
#bcast	le0		# Solaris
#bcast	le1 le2		# Solaris

$ sudo sed s/"#\(bcast[ \t] *eth0[ \t]*#\)"/"\1"/ /etc/ha.d/ | grep ^bcast
bcast	eth0		# Linux

$ sudo sed -i s/"#\(bcast[ \t] *eth0[ \t]*#\)"/"\1"/ /etc/ha.d/

 以下にあるように「uname -n」で求められるホスト名を記述する。

$ man | grep -A 7 "^ *Node name"
           Node names in the directive must match the "uname -n" of that

           You can declare multiple node names in one directive. You can also
           use the directive multiple times. Normally every node in the
           cluster must be listed in the file, including the current
           node, unless the autojoin directive is enabled.

$ grep "#node" /etc/ha.d/ 
#node	ken3
#node	kathy

$ sudo sed -i s/"#node[ \t]ken3"/"node `uname -n`"/ /etc/ha.d/


$ grep ^node /etc/ha.d/ 
node xen-debian1
node xen-debian2


$ man | grep -A 21 "crm\$"
           historical, for Cluster Resource Manager, now an alias to pacemaker

           Enables the Pacemaker cluster manager. For historical reasons, the
           default for this option is off; however, it should always be set to

           When set to respawn, the directive automatically implies:

               apiauth stonithd        uid=root
               apiauth stonithd-ng     uid=root
               apiauth attrd           uid=hacluster
               apiauth crmd            uid=hacluster
               apiauth cib             uid=hacluster

               respawn hacluster       ccm
               respawn hacluster       cib
               respawn hacluster       attrd
               respawn root            stonithd
               respawn root            lrmd
               respawn hacluster       crmd

 「crm yes」を設定する。

$ echo -e "# for pacemaer\ncrm yes" | sudo tee -a  /etc/ha.d/
# for pacemaer
crm yes


$ grep -v "^#\|^\$" /etc/ha.d/
logfile	/var/log/ha-log
logfacility	local0
keepalive 2
udpport	694
bcast	eth0		# Linux
auto_failback on
node xen-debian1
node xen-debian2
crm yes


$ sudo /etc/init.d/heartbeat restart
Stopping High-Availability services: Done.

Starting High-Availability services: Done.


$ lv -s /usr/share/doc/pacemaker/crm_fencing.txt.gz | grep -A 10 "^A dummy"
A dummy stonith resource configuration, which may be used in some
testing scenarios is very simple:

	primitive st-null stonith:null \
		params hostlist="node1 node2"
	clone fencing st-null


$ echo '        configure
        primitive st-null stonith:null \
                params hostlist="xen-debian1 xen-debian2"
        clone fencing st-null
' | tee sample.txt >/dev/null


$ sudo crm < sample.txt
$ cat check.txt 

$ sudo crm < check.txt
node $id="e0322e2c-d119-4b46-9be9-68cf992ce4d7" xen-debian1
node $id="fbe03c12-747e-45d7-8a25-469bc9c28f2d" xen-debian2
primitive st-null stonith:null \
	params hostlist="xen-debian1 xen-debian2"
clone fencing st-null
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
	dc-version="1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff" \

$ sudo crm_mon -1
Last updated: Sat Jul 20 23:15:07 2013
Last change: Sat Jul 20 23:02:52 2013 via cibadmin on xen-debian2
Stack: Heartbeat
Current DC: xen-debian2 (fbe03c12-747e-45d7-8a25-469bc9c28f2d) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
2 Resources configured.

Online: [ xen-debian2 xen-debian1 ]

 Clone Set: fencing [st-null]
     Started: [ xen-debian2 xen-debian1 ]


Last updated: Sat Jul 20 23:21:28 2013
Last change: Sat Jul 20 23:02:52 2013 via cibadmin on xen-debian2
Stack: Heartbeat
Current DC: xen-debian2 (fbe03c12-747e-45d7-8a25-469bc9c28f2d) - partition with q
Version: 1.1.7-ee0730e13d124c3d58f00016c3376a1de5323cff
2 Nodes configured, unknown expected votes
2 Resources configured.

Online: [ xen-debian2 ]
OFFLINE: [ xen-debian1 ]

 Clone Set: fencing [st-null]
     Started: [ xen-debian2 ]
     Stopped: [ st-null:1 ]

Node Attributes:
* Node xen-debian2: