labunix's blog




$ lsb_release -d
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 9.5 (stretch)


$ apt-cache search lm-sensors
libsensors4 - 温度/電圧/ファンセンサへのアクセス用ライブラリ
libsensors4-dev - lm-sensors 開発キット
lm-sensors - 温度・電圧・ファンセンサ読み取り用ユーティリティ
sensors-applet - ハードウェアセンサからの情報を Gnome パネルに表示
fancontrol - utility to control the fan speed
mate-sensors-applet - Display readings from hardware sensors in your MATE panel
mrtgutils-sensors - Utilities to generate statistics for mrtg (from lm-sensors)
nagios-plugins-contrib - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems
psensor - display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature
psensor-server - Psensor server for monitoring hardware sensors remotely
xfce4-goodies - enhancements for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment

$ sudo apt-get install -y lm-sensors

$ dpkg -L lm-sensors | grep bin/


$ awk 'BEGIN{cnt=0}/{print cnt,$0;cnt++}' /proc/cpuinfo 
0 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
1 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
2 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
3 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
4 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
5 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
6 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz
7 model name	: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         870  @ 2.93GHz

$ sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:       +61.0°C  (high = +83.0°C, crit = +99.0°C)
Core 1:       +61.0°C  (high = +83.0°C, crit = +99.0°C)
Core 2:       +62.0°C  (high = +83.0°C, crit = +99.0°C)
Core 3:       +60.0°C  (high = +83.0°C, crit = +99.0°C)

Adapter: PCI adapter
GPU core:     +0.90 V  (min =  +0.88 V, max =  +1.08 V)
temp1:        +51.0°C  (high = +95.0°C, hyst =  +3.0°C)
                       (crit = +105.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)
                       (emerg = +135.0°C, hyst =  +5.0°C)

■temp1はGPU、temp[2-5]がそれぞれCPU Core[0-3]のセンサー。

$ sensors -u
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 61.000
  temp2_max: 83.000
  temp2_crit: 99.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 62.000
  temp3_max: 83.000
  temp3_crit: 99.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 62.000
  temp4_max: 83.000
  temp4_crit: 99.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 60.000
  temp5_max: 83.000
  temp5_crit: 99.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
GPU core:
  in0_input: 0.900
  in0_min: 0.880
  in0_max: 1.080
  temp1_input: 51.000
  temp1_max: 95.000
  temp1_max_hyst: 3.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: 5.000
  temp1_emergency: 135.000
  temp1_emergency_hyst: 5.000


$ find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*" | awk '{gsub(".*temp[0-9]_","",$1);a[$1]+=1}END{for(n in a){print a[n],n}}'
4 crit_alarm
1 crit_hyst
5 input
1 max_hyst
1 auto_point1_temp
1 emergency_hyst
1 auto_point1_temp_hyst
5 crit
5 max
4 label
1 emergency
1 auto_point1_pwm


$ find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*_emergency" | awk '{print "echo -n \042["$1"]:\042;awk \047{printf \042%3.4f\134n\042,$1/1000}\047 "$1}' |sh


$ find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*_input" | awk '{print "echo -n \042["$1"]:\042;awk \047{printf \042%3.4f\134n\042,$1/1000}\047 "$1}' |sh


$ find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*_max" | awk '{print "echo -n \042["$1"]:\042;awk \047{printf \042%3.4f\134n\042,$1/1000}\047 "$1}' |sh


$ find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*_crit" | awk '{print "echo -n \042["$1"]:\042;awk \047{printf \042%3.4f\134n\042,$1/1000}\047 "$1}' |sh


$ cat coretemp 
find /sys/devices/ -type f -name "temp*" | awk '/input$|crit$|max$/{print "echo -n \042["$1"]:\042;awk \047{printf \042%3.4f\134n\042,$1/1000}\047 "$1}' |sh | sort -V

$ watch -d -n 1 '/bin/bash coretemp'


$ watch -d -n 1 'sensors'



$ find /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device[0-8] -type f -name "type" | xargs grep .

$ find /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device[0-7] -type l -ls | awk '{print $(NF-2),$NF}'
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:00
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device1/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:01
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device1/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device2/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:02
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device2/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device3/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:03
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device3/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device4/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:04
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device4/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device5/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:05
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device5/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device6/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:06
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device6/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device7/device ../../../LNXSYSTM:00/LNXCPU:07
/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device7/subsystem ../../../../class/thermal

$ find /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device[0-7] -ls | awk '{print $(NF-2),$NF}'
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device0
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device1 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device1
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device2 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device2
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device3 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device3
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device4 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device4
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device5 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device5
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device6 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device6
/sys/class/thermal/cooling_device7 ../../devices/virtual/thermal/cooling_device7


$ sensors -f
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:      +143.6°F  (high = +181.4°F, crit = +210.2°F)
Core 1:      +140.0°F  (high = +181.4°F, crit = +210.2°F)
Core 2:      +141.8°F  (high = +181.4°F, crit = +210.2°F)
Core 3:      +140.0°F  (high = +181.4°F, crit = +210.2°F)

Adapter: PCI adapter
GPU core:     +0.90 V  (min =  +0.88 V, max =  +1.08 V)
temp1:       +122.0°F  (high = +203.0°F, hyst = +37.4°F)
                       (crit = +221.0°F, hyst = +41.0°F)
                       (emerg = +275.0°F, hyst = +41.0°F)



$ echo "scale=4; 9/5" | bc

$ echo 181.4 | awk '{printf "%3.1f\n",($1-32)/1.8000}'

$ echo 83.0 | awk '{printf "%3.1f\n",(1.8*$1)+32}'